Integration with ReactiveUI

I have released DynamicData.ReactiveUI which is a very simple adaptor layer to assist with binding dynamic data observables with reactiveui’s ReactiveList object.

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If you are not familiar with dynamic data and what it enables I suggest:

  1. Go through previous posts in the blog
  2. Download the example wpf app from github
  3. .

To cut to the chase, here’s an example. The code takes existing in-memory trade objects, transforms them into a view model proxy and updates the target reactive list object with the resulting change sets. It also pre-filters the data with live trades, applies a user entered filter, orders the resulting data and disposes the proxy when no longer required. Phew – all that in effectively one line of code.

I did the same example without using Reactive UI code see Trading Example Part 3. Integrate with UI where I have explained the code in greater detail

    public class RxUiViewer : ReactiveObject, IDisposable
       //this is the target list which we will populate from the dynamic data stream
        private readonly ReactiveList<TradeProxy> _data = new ReactiveList<TradeProxy>();
        //the filter controller is used to inject filtering into a observable
        private readonly FilterController<Trade> _filter = new FilterController<Trade>();
        private readonly IDisposable _cleanUp;
        private string _searchText;

        public RxUiViewer(ITradeService tradeService)
            //Change the filter when the user entered search text changes
            var filterApplier = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SearchText)
                .Subscribe(_ => ApplyFilter());

            var loader = tradeService.Trades
                .Connect(trade => trade.Status == TradeStatus.Live) //prefilter live trades only
                .Filter(_filter)    // apply user filter
                   //if targetting Net4 or Net45 platform can use parallelisation for transforms 'cause it's quicker
                .Transform(trade => new TradeProxy(trade), new ParallelisationOptions(ParallelType.Ordered, 5))
                .Sort(SortExpressionComparer<TradeProxy>.Descending(t => t.Timestamp), SortOptimisations.ComparesImmutableValuesOnly)
                .Bind(_data)        //bind the results to the ReactiveList 
                .DisposeMany()      //since TradeProxy is disposable dispose when no longer required

            _cleanUp = new CompositeDisposable(loader, _filter, filterApplier);

        private void ApplyFilter()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchText))
                _filter.Change(t => t.CurrencyPair.Contains(SearchText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                    t.Customer.Contains(SearchText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

        public string SearchText
            get { return _searchText; }
            set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _searchText, value); }

        public IReadOnlyReactiveList<TradeProxy> Data
            get { return _data; }

        public void Dispose()

coupled with a little xaml can produce this


Very little code, but a very powerful example,

3 thoughts on “Integration with ReactiveUI

  1. Pingback: What is Dynamic Data? | Dynamic Data
  2. Pingback: This month’s most useful tools for developers — September 2017 - Enterprise Software Development - Dootrix

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